Our school newsletter On the Grapevine is published fortnightly. It is posted on our website under the Newsletter tab, emailed to parents and carers and posted on the Skoolbag app.
Skoolbag app instructions (PDF 43KB)
Meet the Teacher
This will be held on Wednesday, 21st February between 4:30pm-5:00pm.
School reports
Written School reports are issued at the end of Terms 2 and 4.
Open Day
Open Day is held during Education week in Term 3. This is an opportunity for parents and friends to visit their child's classroom and view class activities.
Class DoJo
Many teachers use the Class DoJo app to reward student behaviours and share information with parents.
Skoolbag app
It is used to send out reminders, alerts and newsletters.
Morning teas
These are held every Tuesday morning from 8:55 to 9:30am outside the canteen. This is an opportunity for parents to meet. A member of staff and a P&C representative may also attend.
School Assembly
Assemblies are held on Thursdays on even school weeks in the school hall 1:55 - 2:25pm. Parents and carers are most welcome.
Annual Report
We produce an annual school report that is published on our school website. It gives details of all of the school activities from the previous year.
Tell Them From Me Survey
We take part in the Department of Education's Tell Them From Me survey and the Partners in Learning parent feedback survey. These give us valuable information to help us improve how we do things at school and help us understand our parents and students views on their experiences at school.
Parent Involvement
Families may help in school by assisting in the classroom, listening to students read in the classroom, volunteering on sports days, helping on excursions, being involved in fundraising activities, joining the P&C or helping in the garden.
Volunteers are required to satisfy the Working with Children Check (WWCC).