Rydalmere East Public School

Strive for Success

Telephone02 9638 2250


Policies and Procedures

Preschool Orientation Booklet:

Preschool Orientation Booklet.pdf (409KB)


Preschool Statement of Philosophy:

Preschool Statement of Philosophy.pdf (93.5KB)


BELONGING, BEING & BECOMING The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia:

The Early Years Learning Framework.pdf (1.92MB)


Staying Healthy - Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services (updated June 2013):

Staying Healthy.pdf (3.32MB)


Other Preschool Policies and Procedures:

Action plan for anaphylaxis (PDF 399KB)

Emergency plan and response (PDF 63KB)

Excursions policy (PDF 101KB)

First aid policy (PDF 85KB)

Incident reporting policy (PDF 118KB)

Infection control policy (PDF 110KB)

Reporting school accidents (PDF 86KB)

Safety in the classroom (PDF 92KB)