Rydalmere East Public School

Strive for Success

Telephone02 9638 2250


Defence Force Families

Defence School Mentor


Welcome Defence Families to Rydalmere East Public School!

The Defence School Mentor (DSM) program has been a valued part of our Rydalmere East Public School community since 2015. Due our close proximity to the DHA ‘AE2’ housing development, we have a significant number of students enrolled at our school who's parents are serving members of the Australian Defence Force.

Our DSM, Narelle Twaddle is always available to answer any questions you may have and to welcome your family as you transition into our school. Narelle works Thursday and Friday and can be reached through the school office on 02 9638 2250 or via email at rydalmeree-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au